How does this work?
I always assess the child and family before play therapy takes place.
To give you an idea of what will happen I have detailed below what maybe involved:
- An initial meeting with the parent(s) where I will give you an SDQ form (Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire form) to fill out. It is a basic tick form and takes a few minutes to answer. This will give us a baseline statistic to use as one of our measurement tools.)
- A meeting with the school, preferably the class teacher and SENCO to see if they have a suitable room for confidential therapy to take place, to fill out SDQ forms and discuss the child within their setting.
- Administration: including signing of contracts, a plan of sessions, dates and family history.
- A short meeting with the child to get to know each other, see the play room, set out expectations and their special box where any art work or things they have made are stored safely.
- Sharing of any reports, if available
After we have met and providing everyone agree's that I am the right therapist for your child sessions will be scheduled. After this I will"
- Meet with the parents and class teachers at regular intervals to assess how therapy is going (roughly every 6-8 weeks).
- Once play therapy has ended a comprehensive final report will be given to the parents and teachers.